The Chamber of Deputies approved the Knowledge Act

With surprising speed, the Communications and Information Commission and the Budget and Treasury Commission of the Chamber of Deputies issued a joint opinion approving the Regime for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy, advising the Chamber on the sanction of the same. The recommendation came after joint meetings of the Commissions, which involved representatives of the industries covered by the Regime, where the Software industry had the opportunity to expose the benefits of the Promotion of the Software Industry in terms of increased employment , exports and Argentine talent generation. Minority opinions were also issued proposing certain modifications to the project recommended by the majority.

The treatment of the project as approved by the Commissions and the minority opinions was included for its treatment in the Ordinary Session of the Chamber of Deputies on April 24. After an interesting parliamentary debate, the Chamber of Deputies gave half sanction to the project by an overwhelming majority, registering 182 votes in favor and only 2 against.

The project approved by Deputies is very similar, in substance, to that proposed by the Ministry of Production, adding other activities related to knowledge, such as engineering for the nuclear industry; adds benefits for SMEs and adds certain benefits for hiring new staff with Doctorates.

We can only express our most fervent support for this project, and we hope that the broad political support shown up to now will translate into rapid treatment in the Senate. If you manage to replicate the results achieved with the Software industry for all the industries included in the Law of Knowledge, our country ensures genuine, sustainable growth and currency generation for many years!